We offer pest control services for your commercial properties. We strive to find the right solution for your needs.
Our Approach
We at Pacific Pest Management provide pest control treatments for your commercial businesses. Similar to residential services, we treat cracks and crevices, find all entry points, and seal those areas to keep rodents out. We also search for conducive conditions for pest and rodent activity. We take our time to provide a proper and thorough service at each commercial business. Our technicians are not bound by time limits at your business. We will be there until the service is completed.
Our pest control technicians at Pacific Pest Management have helped many businesses with their unique challenges in keeping pests away through proven methods that work for them.
Flexible Contracts
We offer non-contractual and contractual agreements (bi-monthly and quarterly). Trust us to provide pest control for your business. Call or text Pacific Pest Management for a free estimate and the services we offer in addition to our residential services.
Pests of the Northwest
After 17 years in the pest business, we’ve seen it all! Learn more about these common pests, and why you don’t want them around.
Norway Rats
The Norway Rat is an aggressive rodent with strong senses of hearing, smell, taste, and touch. They have incredible capabilities of gnawing through just about anything for food and water sources. Norway Rats prefer to live...
Giant House Spiders
While intimidating at first sight, the Giant House Spider does not pose a threat to homeowners or their pets. These spiders would prefer to hide rather than bite, though they can and will bite if provoked. Formally holding the world record...
Odorous House Ants
This small species of ant, also known as the sugar ant, is a common household pest that can become a major nuisance. Odorous House Ants are extremely tough and difficult to remove from the home once they have established...
Roof Rats
Roof rats, also called black rats, and house rats, are smaller rats, usually black in color and possessing tails which are longer than their body. Roof rats have larger eyes and ears relative to brown rats and are smaller overall in size. Known for climbing...